The Silmarillion Primer03 Much Ado About Eldar Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion Primer01 Arda Is Lit Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion Primer02 Dwarves Interrupted and the Promise of Ents Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion PrimerMeet the Valar Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion PrimerThe Creation of Life, Eä, and Everything Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion PrimerThe Silmarillion Primer Introduction Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion PrimerThe Silmarillion Primer Contents Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 8: Things That Are - Iconography, Part 2
Christopher Vaccaro
Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 7: Things That Are - Iconography, Part 1
Christopher Vaccaro
A Waiter Made of GlassProscenium Street - Final
Signum Press
Verlyn Flieger
How to Learn How to ThinkHow to Learn How to Think Chapter 1 Final
Signum Press
Michael Drout
Inventing Lancelot: From Comic to Tragic in Seven CenturiesLecture 3: Sir Thomas Malory: Knight Prisoner
Liam Daley
Inventing Lancelot: From Comic to Tragic in Seven CenturiesLecture 1: Chretien de Troyes and the Creation of Lancelot
Liam Daley
Inventing Lancelot: From Comic to Tragic in Seven CenturiesLecture 4: Tennyson’s Tragic Arthurian Vision
Liam Daley
Inventing Lancelot: From Comic to Tragic in Seven CenturiesLecture 2: Courtly Romance and Comedy of Manners
Liam Daley
Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 6: Artistic Vision - Form, Part 2
Christopher Vaccaro
Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 5: Artistic Vision - Form, Part 1
Christopher Vaccaro
Dark AcademiaLecture 2: What is Dark Academia part II
Amy H. Sturgis