Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 11: Comrades, Gamers, Stoners: A Question of Context, Part 1
Christopher Vaccaro
Rings of Power 2.1 Kirsten Cairns and Alan SistoRings of Power 2.1: Kirsten Cairns and Alan Sisto
Alan Sisto, Kirsten Cairns
Pre-Christian Religions of the NorthLecture 4: Conversion stories – phases, peoples, syncretism
Irina Manea
Pre-Christian Religions of the NorthLecture 3: Pantheons, cosmogonies, eschatologies – Pre-Norse and Norse deities, fate, death
Irina Manea
Pre-Christian Religions of the NorthLecture 2: Ritual and sacrifice – Iron and Viking Age public and private sacrifices
Irina Manea
Pre-Christian Religions of the NorthLecture 1: Religions in the Bronze Age – stone pictures, megalithic cultures
Irina Manea
Exploring BeowulfTopic Episode 12 - Dating Beowulf Final
Signum Press
Michael Drout
Exploring BeowulfTopic Episode 11 - The Swedish Wars Final
Signum Press
Michael Drout
Dark AcademiaLecture 5: Dark Academia as its Own Mystery part I
Amy H. Sturgis
Dark AcademiaLecture 4: The Foundations of Dark Academia in the 20th Century part II
Amy H. Sturgis
Dark AcademiaLecture 3: The Foundations of Dark Academia in the 20th Century part I
Amy H. Sturgis
Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 10: Things That Yet May Be - Semiotics, Part 2
Christopher Vaccaro
Tolkien Illustrated: Picturing the LegendariumLecture 9: Things That Yet May Be - Semiotics, Part 1
Christopher Vaccaro
The Silmarillion Primer08 Valinor Darkens (And Ungoliant Sucks) Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion Primer07 Enter the Silmarils (U Can't Touch Them) Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion Primer03 Much Ado About Eldar Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion Primer06 Everything’s Coming Up Fëanor (and Melkor) Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala
The Silmarillion Primer05 Sundered Elves and the Valar Who Love Them Final
Signum Press
Jeff LaSala