Signum Collaboratory

Knewbettadobetta's Creator's Circle
Welcome to my Creator's Circle! This is a place that you and I get to meet every month - LIVE. This will give you unparralled access to me and my work. Not only will you get exclusive content, but you'll get ME! You'll be able to discuss whatever is on your mind, share ideas, and pick my brain about Tolkien, and hear about what's coming up, I'll share my thoughts on my content for collaboratory and other projects, and give you access 'behind the scenes' into my production notes, clips, and brainstorming sessions. Once a month, I am an open book, and you can get an intimate look inside my mind and heart when it comes to The Lord of the Rings content, as well as many other passions of mine that only YOU, as a subscriber, will be privy to. I can't wait to see you at the table - in my creator's circle! 
created over 1 year ago

Membership in this Creator Circle also includes the following Project Rooms: